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BGM 03: H3 Leadership Bookclub Discussion



Leaders will develop a variety of habits throughout their lives, but these three words divide them into categories that help answer three of the most important questions every influencer must ask: Humble – “Who Am I?”, Hungry – “Where do I want to go?” and Hustle – “How will I get there?”

In this episode of the Be Great Ministries Podcast, we discuss our first book of the year entitled H3 Leadership: Be Humble. Stay Hungry. Always Hustle. by Brad Lomenick. This book was a really GREAT book about effective leadership, about being a change-agent in our world. The book zooms in on 20 habits that all leaders who want to be effective, must cultivate and nurture.

In This Episode You Will Learn:

  • The 3 H’s of Leadership: Humble, Hungry, Hustle
  • The Habit of Self-Discovery – Know who you are
  • The Habit of Openness – Share the real you with others
  • The Habit of Meekness – Remember it’s not about you
  • The Habit of Conviction – Stick to Your Principles
  • The Habit of Faith – Prioritize Your Day so God is First
  • The Habit of Assignment – Live Out Your Calling
  • The Habit of Ambition – Develop an appetite for what’s next
  • The Habit of Curiosity – Keep learning
  • The Habit of Passion – Love What You Do
  • The Habit of Innovation – Stay Current, Creative, and Engaged
  • The Habit of Inspiration – Nurture a Vision for a Better Tomorrow
  • The Habit of Bravery – Take Calculated Risks
  • The Habit of Excellence – Set Standards that Scare You
  • The Habit of Stick-with-it-Ness – Take the Long View
  • The Habit of Execution – Commit to Completion
  • The Habit of Team Building – Create an Environment that Attracts and Retains the Best and Brightest
  • The Habit of Partnership – Collaborate with Colleagues and Competitors
  • The Habit of Margin – Nurture Healthier Rhythms
  • The Habit of Generosity – Leave the World a Better Place
  • The Habit of Succession – Find Power in Passing the Baton

So, Let’s Do This!!!

Resources Mentioned In This Episode

  • Be Great Ministries Bookclub – February’s book is For the Love: Fighting for Grace in a World of Impossible Standards by Jen Hatmaker. We will discuss this book via the podcast and live on BLAB on the last Tuesday of the month (February 23, 2016). You can join in the discussion by sharing your comments using #BGMbookclub on Twitter and Instagram or email us at info@begreatglobal.com to participate in the live Blab discussion. Get your copy of the book today, CLICK HERE.

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Thank you so much!!! Until next week…

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Anita "AC" Clinton

Purpose-Strategist, Author, Speaker, Podcaster

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