Whether it’s a keynote, entrepreneurial or ministry gathering, retreat, luncheon or workshop, Anita “AC” Clinton delivers a REAL, BUT INSPIRING, ENGAGING, AND ACTIONABLE talk capturing the attention of audiences alike. Her practical, resourceful and highly energetic presentations can help to catapult your attendees into action. They not only leave motivated but walk away equipped and ready to take immediate action.
Anita is also available to contribute unique insights, sound bites, and featured content to media professionals working on various topics, such as INTRAPRENEURSHIP, ENTREPRENEURSHIP, PURPOSE, FAITH IN BUSINESS, CAREER ADVANCEMENT, BRANDING, AND ENTREPRENEURIAL PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT. Her favorite products are books, digital courses, and training programs.
Independent of how small or large the audience, Anita “AC” Clinton purposely intends for each person to connect with the CALL on their life and reach their full potential.
Your Zone of Greatness is that sweet spot where your Passion, Genius (talent/gifts) and Service (to others) intersect. It’s the thing(s) that puts you in your ZONE and sets the stage for GREAT thing to happen.
We all have at least one Zone of Greatness, and when discovered and activated – fulfillment, happiness and purpose is ignited inside of us. When we know why we exist, our perspective changes and we see the world differently. Not only do we become a blessing to others, but we absolutely LOVE what we do. No more dreading Monday’s and can’t wait until Friday’s…everyday becomes a new venture that we are excited to embark on.
At the conclusion of this interactive session, participants will walk away able to articulate their Zone and have viable options to activate it immediately.
Come on, let’s do this…
“Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man, ‘Where Are You?’ He answered, ‘I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.’ And he said, ‘Who told you that you were naked?’ ” ~Genesis 3:8-11 (NIV)
This talk digs deep into God’s plan and call on our lives, and how to recognize internal and external restraints.
This topic can be presented as a keynote or general talk. Participants will leave encouraged and motivated to push through and advance their purpose.
Come on, let’s do this…
We all are created to bring forth something GREAT in the earth and no one can do whatever that is like you can do it. There may be people doing something similar, but they can’t do it like you do it. No one can beat you at playing the game that you were created to play…as long as you play all out.
This talk walks through the 4-variables of successfully playing the game of your life.
This topic can be presented as a keynote or general talk. Participants will leave encouraged and motivated to give whatever they are doing all that they have.
Come on, let’s do this…
Are Your Employees Operating In The Right Position?
Employees that are in the wrong position tend to be bored and/or disengaged, and deliver subpar results that may negatively impact your company’s success and advancement.
We each have at least one Superpower (a combination of passion, talent, skill, knowledge and impact). And when employees use their Superpower at work, not only are they fulfilled but your company benefits from the results.
The workshop walks your staff through (1) discovering their Superpower, (2) identifying and building their network, and (3) creating their career advancement roadmap.
Come on, let’s do this!
A clear and memorable brand is an invaluable asset for Game-Changers. Your brand is typically the first representation of you and/or your organization that your clients, customers, followers and supporters see. Therefore, it’s important that it be on-point!
Here we will break down a brand into 3 distinct, yet highly connected, areas:
- Message – the language or voice that will be used to connect with your audience
- Identity – the visual components that represent the DNA of the organization
- Delivery – the methods used to deliver the brand.
This is an interactive workshop that can span from 1-4 hours, depending on how in-depth we dive into the topic. At the conclusion of this session, participants will leave with the necessary tools and resources to help them create and deliver a clean, simple and consistent message to their target audience.
Come on, let’s do this…
Some people may be living a “pretty good” life. They have a great job, have accomplished many of their goals, have obtained financial success and/or perhaps have received various professional accolades along the way, but are asking, “what now?” They recognize that something is missing….they may not feel as if they are completely walking in their true GREATNESS, living up to their full potential or doing what they were created and called to do. They recognize there’s a bigger purpose, but can’t seem to put their finger on it. It’s like a dream that has yet to be actualized. It whispers to their spirit and beckons them to take action, however they are not sure what to do.
Well, no one is here by accident, what they are feeling is real. They were created on purpose to achieve something great, something impactful in their lifetime. There is a vision for their life already within their DNA, waiting to be discovered and unleashed.
This intensive workshop spans 12-14 hours, and is usually completed over 2, high-impact days. At the conclusion, participants will leave with a defined Why, Who, What, How, When and Where for their purpose in life.
Come on, let’s do this…

Resources for event planners or meeting professionals…click the images below to download.
Anita would love to hear more about being a part of your upcoming event, show, or media opportunity. Complete applicable sections below and after you hit submit, you will have an opportunity to schedule a brief call with Anita “AC” Clinton.