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BGG59: What It Takes To Become A Leader of Impact


“Struggle is a part of the process to living a life of impact. Leadership is not easy – to really get to that next level, to do the hard work, to serve others, it’s not the easy road. But what it’s doing is developing the muscles in you, it’s developing perseverance, and perseverance develops character.” ~Braden Douglas

Here we are at our sixth installment of the “Author Series” where we are bringing on published authors to talk about their books, and the process they went through to write and publish those books. We believe that everyone has a story inside of them, and a book is an excellent way to share that story. Therefore, it is our hope that you are encouraged through this series, and step out to write and publish your book.

Meet Today’s Guest

Braden Douglas has two passions. Professionally, he’s a leading food marketing expert. He is the founder of CREW Marketing Partners, one of the fastest-growing marketing and creative agencies in Canada. His firm has built a reputation for strategically growing brands in the food, beverage, and agriculture industries. His second passion is mentoring leaders for a life of Impact. He currently volunteers with LeaderImpact as a member of the Global Advisory Board, where he plays a key role in mentoring leaders, speaking, and developing content. In addition, he is the author of Becoming a Leader of Impact: How Your Influence Can Change the World.

Key Points Include:

  1. Impact is created through your professional, personal and spiritual life.
  2. Making an impact is not about what to do and here are the 5 steps to creating impact, but it’s who you are as a person. And if you work on who you are, the outcome of that is where impact resides.
  3. The benefits of writing a book longlasting…

Resources Mentioned In This Episode

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Anita "AC" Clinton

Purpose-Strategist, Author, Speaker, Podcaster

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