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BGG56: How to Recast Your Life with An Online Business


“The definition I like for entrepreneurs is, you identify an opportunity, you allocate resources and create value.” ~Case Lane

We are on our third installment of our “Author Series” where we are bringing on published authors to talk about their books, and the process they went through to write and publish those books. We believe that everyone has a story inside of them, and a book is an excellent way to share that story. Therefore, it is our hope that you are encouraged through this series, and step out to write and publish your book.

Meet Today’s Guest

Case Lane is a global writer, entrepreneur, traveler, and observer to the future. As the founder and CEO of Ready Entrepreneur, she helps aspiring entrepreneurs get started with transforming their lives by launching their own businesses. As a writer, she is the author of the book Recast: The Aspiring Entrepreneurs Practical Guide to Getting Started with An Online Business, the Life Online series of future tech thrillers, the Laker Taylor series of political thrillers, the Ravencross romance thriller series, non-fiction entrepreneurship and self-help guides, and one spiritual guide.

Key Points Include:

  1. People want and need what you have to offer
  2. Remove distractions, which are anything that gets in the way of you actually doing the work, including technology, people, and the noise in your head
  3. Even if you have a lot of ideas – start with one
  4. You need an action plan, not a business plan, this is the activities you see coming together that you’re going to have to do to get your business off the ground and do the necessary research to fill in the gaps

Resources Mentioned In This Episode

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Anita "AC" Clinton

Purpose-Strategist, Author, Speaker, Podcaster

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