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BGG55: How to Master Your Muck and Transform Your Life



“Change is always there and there’s no way to get around it. You are either going to go for it or resist it.” ~Kathi Burns, CPO

We are super geeked to share our second installment of our “Author Series” where we are bringing on published authors to talk about their books, and the process they went through to write and publish those books. We believe that everyone has a story inside of them, and a book is an excellent way to share that story. Therefore, it is our hope that you are encouraged through this series, and step out to write and publish your book.

Meet Today’s Guest

Kathi Burns is a Board Certified Professional Organizer, Image Consultant, author, and speaker. As the founder of OrganizedandEnergized.com, a professional organizing and image consultancy, her mission for almost two decades has been to end overwhelm, energize, and transform lives by creating systems people can stick to. While working as a licensed boat captain and living full time out of a duffle bag, she realized the importance of living small, being organized, and merging art and style with practicality. In 2005, one year after launch, Good Morning America featured her as a successful woman-owned business. Since then, she has published two books and created numerous online training programs. As an organizing, image, and productivity expert, her advice has been featured in multiple national media outlets, including Oprah Magazine, Martha Stewart Living, Better Homes and Gardens, Entrepreneur Magazine, and more. Additionally, she is a frequently called upon guest expert for Fox, NBC, and CW6 News.

Key Points Include:

  1. When designing or having your cover designed, it’s important to keep it timeless so that it’s not dated.
  2. We must learn to be ok with letting go…the more we can let go, the easier it is to change.
  3. When it comes to clutter – ask yourself 3 questions: 1) Do I Need It? 2) Do I Use It? 3) Do I Love it? If the answer is no, it’s time to let it go.
  4. Your message is unique, you are the only one who can say what you want to say, the way you’re going to say it!!!

Resources Mentioned In This Episode

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Thank you so much!!! Until next week…

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Anita "AC" Clinton

Purpose-Strategist, Author, Speaker, Podcaster

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