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BGG54: Changing the Narrative About What’s Possible In Life


“For those of you listening that have something that God has put in you, and you know what it is… you have to just birth that, because it’s holding you back from your greatness! So take the first step, and then the next one…” ~Nia Obotette

Woohoo, we are officially launching our “Author Series” where we are bringing on published authors to talk about their books, and the process they went through to write and publish those books. We believe that everyone has a story inside of them, and a book is an excellent way to share that story. Therefore, it is our hope that you are encouraged through this series, and step out to write and publish your book.

Meet Today’s Guest

Nia Obotette is the author of the children’s book, I AM A Triathlete. She is a Milwaukee, Wisconsin resident, and HBCU graduate of Tuskegee University. Over the years she has organized and coordinated cycling and running meet-ups with local groups like Black Girls Run and Black Girls Do Bike. She has been inspiring and encouraging ladies to increase their fitness by participating in marathons, duathlons, and triathlons. In 2013 she completed her first triathlon, which inspired her to encourage others to try the sport. For her, swimming, biking, and running have proven to be both challenging and rewarding.  Now she is looking to inspire a younger generation and to continue to encourage those new to Triathlons to make it to the finish line.

Key Points Include:

  1. The difference between marathons, triathlons, and duathlons are the number of sport types included in the race (marathon = 1; triathlon = 3; duathlon = 2).
  2. If you can’t find what you are looking for in the marketplace, consider that you are the one to create it.
  3. How Kickstarted can be used to raise money for your book, before you print the first copy – Nia raised 16K.
  4. It takes faith to do those things that lead to impact.

Resources Mentioned In This Episode

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Thank you so much!!! Until next week…

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Anita "AC" Clinton

Purpose-Strategist, Author, Speaker, Podcaster

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