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BGM 00: Introduction to the Be Great Ministries Podcast



“As I look at the challenges we are facing in the world today, I believe that the ‘church’ (not the four walls, but the people) have the answers. And it is time for us to step up and walk boldly in their purpose.”

Have you been asking, “God What Is My Purpose? What Did You Create Me To Do? Why Am I Here?”

Be Great Ministries (BGM) is the answer to those questions and more. Our mission is to help Believers discover, strategize and execute God’s plan for their lives.

In this episode, learn how BGM can help you fulfill your purpose, your destiny in life. In addition, you will hear the heart and motivation of yours truly, Anita “AC” Clinton. (Want to know more about me, CLICK HERE..)

So, Let’s Do This!!!

Resources Mentioned In This Episode

  • Conference. For more information or to host a conference
  • Blog. Check out our blog – CLICK HERE.
  • Be Great Bookclub – This month’s book is H3 Leadership: Be Humble. Stay Hungry. Always Hustle. by Brad Lomenick. We will discuss this book via the podcast on the last Tuesday of the month. You can join in the discussion by sharing your comments using #BGMbookclub on Twitter & Instagram. Get your copy today, CLICK HERE.
  • Thinkpods. For more information about our Mastermind Groups, CLICK HERE.
  • Training. For more information about available training programs, CLICK HERE.

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My Thanks To You

I want to personally thank you for listening to the Be Great Global Podcast. I would love to hear from you, share your comments, thoughts, suggestions below.

If you believe this show can help others, we humbly ask that you leave a rating and review on iTunes (CLICK HERE) or Stitcher Radio (CLICK HERE). It will only take a couple of minutes and could possibly transform someone’s life.

Thank you so much!!! Until next week…

We are here to serve you in your quest to fulfilling your destiny – is there anything that you would suggest we add to this platform to help you achieve your dreams?


Anita "AC" Clinton

Purpose-Strategist, Author, Speaker, Podcaster

Hi and thank you for stopping by my site. If you are in search of or looking to advance your purpose, you are in the right place. Come on, let’s do this!