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BGM 01: Apply These 5 Secret Techniques to Improve Your Leadership



Leadership is the art of deliberately guiding others toward a vision that wouldn’t have happened otherwise.

In this episode of the Be Great Ministries Podcast, we sit down to talk leadership with the AMAZING Dr. Michelle Majors. She is the Founder and Program Director of Majors Leadership where she works with girls, teens and women to help them develop skills as leaders and agents of change. The objective is for them to discover the best of themselves and translate that into a role of leadership.

In This Episode You Will Learn:

  • What leadership really is
  • The I.D.E.A.L way to develop leaders
  • How your environment inspires or shuts down your leadership potential
  • What you need to start a youth program
  • The importance of faith in what you do
  • How to release control back to God
For more information about Dr. Majors, visit her website at www.majorsleadership.org.

Michelle’s Book Recommendation

Book entitled – Let. It. Go.: How to Stop Running the Show and Start Walking in Faith by Karen Ehman. “This is really good for people who feel they have to be in control…it is an easy read and it’s kind of funny.” Click here to pick up your copy today…

Resources Mentioned In This Episode

  • Be Great Ministries Bookclub – This month’s book is H3 Leadership: Be Humble. Stay Hungry. Always Hustle. by Brad Lomenick. We will discuss this book via the podcast on the last Tuesday of the month. You can join in the discussion by sharing your comments using #BGMbookclub on Facebook and Twitter. Get your copy today, CLICK HERE.

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My Thanks To You

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Thank you so much!!! Until next week…

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Anita "AC" Clinton

Purpose-Strategist, Author, Speaker, Podcaster

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