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BGG44: What It Looks Like When Your Passion is Double-Sided



“If you are talking to people about your vision, you’re planting the seeds around you, and you’re putting your vision out there for others to honor and to help you achieve” ~Bryan G. Smith

In this episode, we talk with trial attorney, musician, writer, and creator of the DreamPath Podcast, Bryan G. Smith. As a victim’s rights attorney, he has spent the last 20 years discovering his clients’ stories through in-depth interviews. As an artist, he tells his own stories through music and writing. With DreamPath he forges his passion for discovering people’s stories with his passion for the arts, providing a unique voice in this milieu.

Key Points Include:

  1. The highest and best use of our skillsets to make the world a better place is through our creative endeavors.
  2. Morning pages, committing to getting up daily to write freehand 3 pages of whatever is in your head. It’s not meant to be read by anyone – but it has helped Bryan be more focused during the day, more present in every area of life, gives him the ability to tackle tasks sequentially, as opposed to being spread out, trying to multi-task and doing them all terribly.
  3. Bryan is a firm believer in the concept of vision boards. He says, “however that vision board manifests for you, it’s going to push you in the right direction in some way, and gets other people invested in what you’re looking for.”
  4. There’s something to be said about the power of defining moments of opportunities, and if you are prepared, you are able to lock into them and advance forward.

Resources Mentioned In This Episode

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Bryans Favorite Quotes:

  • “You think your pain and your heartbreak are unprecedented in the history of the world, but then you read. It was books that taught me that the things that tormented me most were the very things that connected me with all the people who were alive, or who had ever been alive.” ~James Baldwin
  • “It took me years to learn how to play like myself!” ~Miles Davis

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Anita "AC" Clinton

Purpose-Strategist, Author, Speaker, Podcaster

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