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BG226: How to Start Building an Enterprise with Elzie D. Flenard, III



“Entrepreneurship in itself is simply identifying problems and bringing solutions to those problems. “

In this episode, we talk with Elzie D. Flenard, III, Founder and CEO of Enterprise NOW! – a podcast agency that helps brands and thought leaders launch, grow and maximize through podcasting, coaching, and training. He thrives on thinking outside the box, bringing the best out of entrepreneurs, and driving results. He provokes thought, challenges creativity and inspires persistence.

Key Points Include:

  1. As creatives/entrepreneurs, we are always looking for new things to do, new ideas and we get distracted. Instead, we need to 1) focus on what we want to do, 2) be sensitive to what’s happening in your industry and where things are moving, 3) be strategic about positioning your business to take advantages of the opportunities that are coming.
  2. Get a coach. It makes a huge difference having someone who can look at things from an outside perspective and hold you accountable for doing the things that you want to do. The value in that is unquantifiable.
  3. If you are on the fence, just get started. If you don’t take the shot (take action), you can’t make adjustments.
  4. Be sure to test the marketplace, and the best way to do that is listen to what people are saying. What are the challenges and pain points that you keep hearing? Can you use your gifts, talents expertise to solve the challenge/pain?
  5. Success leaves patterns, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel. Fin the patterns that others have created and follow them.

Resources Mentioned In This Episode

Connect with Elzie D. Flenard, III

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Anita "AC" Clinton

Purpose-Strategist, Author, Speaker, Podcaster

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