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BGG60: How To Get Over Your Past and Into Your Purpose


“The formula that I used to get past my struggles [entailed] the Word of God, having a strong support system, and therapy.” ~Kimberly Turner

Here we are at our seventh installment of the “Author Series” where we are bringing on published authors to talk about their books, and the process they went through to write and publish those books. We believe that everyone has a story inside of them, and a book is an excellent way to share that story. Therefore, it is our hope that you are encouraged through this series, and step out to write and publish your book.

Meet Today’s Guest

Kimberly Carolyn Turner is a Registered Dietitian, Certified Diabetes Educator, Certified Life and Wellness Coach, Transformational Speaker, and Entrepreneur. She the CEO and founder of Wellness for the Body, LLC, and K.I.M. Life Coaching, LLC, and is passionate about serving, educating, counseling, and coaching her clients to become their best. As a life coach, with more than 19 years of experience, she fearlessly digs deep to uncover cycles of defeat and barriers to wellness. As an expert in nutrition and disease management, she uses practical applications to encourage others to transform and renew their mind to live life abundantly. In addition, she is the author of the book entitled, The Struggle is Over: Transforming and Renewing Your Mind to Live Life Abundantly.

Key Points Include:

  1. After having 3 miscarriages, she conceives a son, however her past hurts/miscarriages didn’t allow her to enjoy her pregnancy. And when the baby was born, she continued to struggle thinking that he would die. Getting over that, breaking the cycles of defeat, happened after seeking therapy.
  2. You must know your why and you prepare to write your book, and know that your why has to be bigger than you.
  3. Anyone, whether male or female, can get something from Kimberly’s book…if you’ve struggled to get past or over anything – this book can help.

Resources Mentioned In This Episode

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Anita "AC" Clinton

Purpose-Strategist, Author, Speaker, Podcaster

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