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BGG36: Maintaining Your Mental State During Quarantine



“The power behind the words convey [over your life or that you speak over others] can change the trajectory of a person’s life! I was told at every level what I couldn’t do, and so I wanted to be in position to empower people to do and pursue their goals. ~Dr. Marica Tipton”

In this episode, we talk with Mental Health Professional, Dr. Marica Tipton who has been providing psychotherapy and collegiate teaching for the past 23 years. She has various degrees, including a Doctorate in Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis with a minor in Counseling Psychology.

She is also a collegiate Psychology professor at Milwaukee Area Technical College, a licensed high school teacher in the state of Wisconsin, and an Institution of Higher Education Representative for the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

In addition, she is the founder and owner of Eulopia Family Services, Inc – a social services agency that provides a multiplicity of services that include, but are not limited to, an Outpatient Mental Health Clinic, Psychological Consultation Services, Pre-College Education Academy, Educational Professional Development Trainings, and supportive services.

Her latest endeavor is the A.S.K. (Annointed Sisterhood for Kingdom Building) mentoring program.

And among all of those AMAZING accolades, she is a wife and mother.

Key Points Include:

The foundation of anxiety is fear, and fear is normal during a pandemic.  God gave us the emotion of fear, but He never meant for it to seep into our spirits. Therefore, there are things that we have to do to keep that from happening:
  1. Limit your exposure to the news/media broadcasts about COVID-19.
  2. Look at this period as an opportunity to explore and try things you haven’t done before. For example, write that book or screenplay, prepare to start that conference, etc.
  3. Take time to focus on the things in your life that are going well.
  4. Spend time in meditation and speak affirmations over your life.
  5. Pace yourself between stressful activities.
  6. Do something fun for yourself. Laugh a lot, because laughter is medicine.

Resources Mentioned In This Episode

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Anita "AC" Clinton

Purpose-Strategist, Author, Speaker, Podcaster

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