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BGM 06: Good Faith Bookclub Discussion



Living in good faith means helping the world and the people in it to be orderly and right, abundant and generous, beautiful and flourishing with life and relationships – just as God created them to be.

In this episode of the Be Great Ministries Podcast, we discuss our third book of the year entitled Good Faith: Being a Christian in a Society That Thinks You are Irrelevant and Extreme by David Kinnaman & Gabe Lyons. This was an AMAZING book, and the authors did an excellent job delivering the message of good faith – love, believe, live.

In This Episode You Will Learn:

  • The good faith formula that Christian should consider
  • The guiding principles of the new moral code called the morality of self-fulfillment
  • The counter principles of God’s moral order
  • The importance of intimacy
  • How to address “implicit racial biases”
  • The framework of 5 lens that we view our response to issues that we encounter being a Christian
  • How we should show up and impact the world
So, Let’s Do This!!!

Resources Mentioned In This Episode

  • Be Great Ministries Bookclub – April’s book is MONEY Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom by Tony Robbins. We will discuss this book via the podcast on the last Tuesday of the month. Please share your comments using #BGMbookclub on Instagram and Twitter. Get your copy today, CLICK HERE.

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Thank you so much!!! Until next week…

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Anita "AC" Clinton

Purpose-Strategist, Author, Speaker, Podcaster

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