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BGG30: It’s Never Too Late to Fulfill the CALL with Peggy Flynn



“I think that [determining] your destiny is a process where you think you know what it is, then life shows you what it is. I marched out into life saying ‘this is what I’m here to do,’ and then life said, ‘um yeah, and we are going to fine-tune that [over] here!”

In this episode, we talk with author, spiritual director and founder of The Good Death Institute, Peggy Flynn, MA. She has over 40 years of caregiving and end-of-life experience, working with 300+ individuals to what some call the third-third of life or, more poetically, the evening of life. She is 71 years of age, and still walking boldly in her purpose, positively impacting lives.

Key Points Include:

  1. We truly can write the story of our lives…we don’t have to live life at the effect of the cause. In addition, we leave this earth with no regrets. Do what’s on your heart – leave no regrets!
  2. It’s important to ask yourself, ‘where’s my self-worth, what’s it anchored in, what are my control issues’ – then if necessary – began to shift the focus of your self-worth to a core place that’s separate from what you do.
  3. Independent of your age, you will always have something to contribute, and it’s up to you to make the efforts to keep yourself out there and relevant.

Resources Mentioned In This Episode

Connect with Peggy Flynn

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Anita "AC" Clinton

Purpose-Strategist, Author, Speaker, Podcaster

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